nuove date
2 - 5 giugno 2022
Lady Pastor

LADY PASTOR, Zumba fitness education specialist for Colombia. Personal fitness trainer and musicalized group classes, certified by the European Health and Fitness Association (EHFA), coach in different training modalities such as metabolic acceleration, group kick boxing, functional fitness, TRX, among others. I am a professional in social communication. Owner of Studio Z Dance And Fitness, a studio dedicated to Zumba in Bogot√° Colombia. There I do my classes and make a living doing Zumba as a Zin member since 2013. I love and believe deeply in Zumba, because from there I support myself and my beautiful 13-year-old daughter who is my family. I have been in the fitness area for 24 years and 11 in Zumba. Happy with my life and what I do: teaching Zumba to improve people's quality of life.